The #EventProfs community is a strong network of event professionals who’ve come together worldwide to share their ideas and insights and seek support in the ever-evolving event industry. Our thriving…
In 2022, the United States saw 1,774 data breaches. And while 1,774 might not sound jaw-dropping, those breaches impacted an estimated 422,143,312 people. Cybersecurity for event planners is a recurring…
Event management software can potentially make an event planner’s job more efficient. But when the right software doesn’t exist, planners are left to fend for themselves, often lacking solutions. In…
The holiday parties are upon us, but colder weather means that COVID-19 is on the rise. Many companies may opt to exercise caution and consider pivoting to virtual and hybrid…
When it comes to virtual and hybrid events, some people think, “Eh, let’s just host the event on Zoom and call it a day.” After all, platforms like Zoom are…
Your brand went through the time and expense to set up a unique event platform; Whether it’s a web-based platform or an app, you have tons of fun features, tools,…
As an event planner, you know virtual and in-person events require a completely different setup. But before you get too entrenched in booking speakers or drawing up venue contracts, it’s…
The events industry is waking up to the importance of event data for reaching event marketing goals and proving ROI. A vast source of valuable data is attendee tracking -…
The event venue is where attendees eat, drink, network, and engage with your content. In short, it’s where the magic happens. But 40% of events are expected to be virtual…
So, you’re planning a big event for your company — kudos to you! Event planning isn’t for the faint of heart; you certainly have a lot on your plate. Not…